

Our Team.

  • Alexandra Borges de Sousa

    Alexandra Borges de Sousa

    Managing Director

    Alexandra Borges de Sousa

    Managing Director My time is devoted to the marketing of the school, quality control of our services and general management, while keeping in touch with teachers and students on a daily basis.
  • Isabel Coimbra

    Isabel Coimbra

    Managing Director

    Isabel Coimbra

    Managing Director Academic Director since 1981, Teachers’ Trainer and co-author of teaching materials of Portuguese, currently besides general management I’m the Head of the Foreign...
  • Miguel Borges de Sousa

    Miguel Borges de Sousa

    CFO & Marketing

    Miguel Borges de Sousa

    CFO & Marketing I joined Cial in 2009. Getting to know the international education industry and our team was a very rich and pleasant experience. It’s a pleasure coming to work every day!
  • Maria João Coimbra

    Maria João Coimbra

    Human Resources & Admin

    Maria João Coimbra

    Human Resources & Admin I’ve managed Cial’s HR for the last 25 years, a team of outstanding professionals with great empathy.
  • Marta Silva

    Marta Silva

    Director of Studies (Lisbon)

    Marta Silva

    Director of Studies (Lisbon) A Teacher at Cial since 1999, I am now responsible for course and teacher coordination. I always felt each lesson is an adventure, having the whole world in the classroom.
  • Cristina Palma

    Cristina Palma

    Director of Studies (Faro)

    Cristina Palma

    Director of Studies (Faro) I work at Cial since 2003, and it has become my second home. More than a workplace, it is a special place where we share life and learning experiences and build friendships.
  • Teresa Margarida

    Teresa Margarida


    Teresa Margarida

    Registrar Cial has been my second home for more than 30 years, a place where the friendly atmosphere, professionalism and mutual help between all members of staff are the main features.
  • Angelina Antunes

    Angelina Antunes

    Accommodation/Social program

    Angelina Antunes

    Accommodation/Social program I joined Cial in 1989. My work is to ensure that our students have a full and enjoyable cultural experience.
  • Jorge Rayagra

    Jorge Rayagra

    Administrative assistant (reception)

    Jorge Rayagra

    Administrative assistant (reception) I’ve been at the reception of the Foreign Languages Dep. for more than 30 years, being a part of this great family that give their best so that both our clients and partners...
  • Ana Dias

    Ana Dias

    Portuguese teacher (Lisbon)

    Ana Dias

    Portuguese teacher (Lisbon) Teaching Portuguese is a 20 year passion, and I love sharing it with my students.
  • Conceição Cunha

    Conceição Cunha

    Portuguese teacher (Lisbon)

    Conceição Cunha

    Portuguese teacher (Lisbon) I am a teacher for nearly 10 years, an experience that allows sharing what I know of our language and culture and learn about other countries and cultures from the students.
  • Denise Carvalho

    Denise Carvalho

    Portuguese teacher (Faro)

    Denise Carvalho

    Portuguese teacher (Faro) To me, working at Cial means that I learn constantly about the richness of our language and also about the amazing world of cultural diversity.
  • Elsa Venturini

    Elsa Venturini

    Portuguese Teacher (Lisbon)

    Elsa Venturini

    Portuguese Teacher (Lisbon) I’m French, I’ve lived in Spain, but it has been in Lisbon and at CIAL that I set up my roots 22 years ago. I enjoy my language school that allows me to practice my job...
  • Eugénia Lucas

    Eugénia Lucas

    Portuguese teacher (Lisbon)

    Eugénia Lucas

    Portuguese teacher (Lisbon) Languages are my life: learning and teaching them is a pleasure. Teaching Portuguese to foreigners is promoting Portugal and its culture worldwide.
  • Hermínia Malcata

    Hermínia Malcata

    Portuguese teacher (Lisbon)

    Hermínia Malcata

    Portuguese teacher (Lisbon) I feel teaching my language and showing the Portuguese culture to students from all over the world is a privilege. I too have learned a lot from them. So lucky!
  • Isabel Ruela

    Isabel Ruela

    Portuguese teacher (Lisbon)

    Isabel Ruela

    Portuguese teacher (Lisbon) To me, working at Cial means every day there is a new challenge, a new learning experience, a new beginning.
  • Miguel Aguiar

    Miguel Aguiar

    Portuguese teacher (Lisbon)

    Miguel Aguiar

    Portuguese teacher (Lisbon) I enjoy being a facilitator in the study of Portuguese, so easy to me and complicated for some students. I try my best to make them feel at home in the school and in the city.
  • Orlando Couto

    Orlando Couto

    Portuguese teacher (Lisbon)

    Orlando Couto

    Portuguese teacher (Lisbon) As a Portuguese teacher, I believe the experience gathered over the years, has been both enrichening and rewarding, professional and culturally.
  • Paulo Pires

    Paulo Pires

    Portuguese teacher (Lisbon)

    Paulo Pires

    Portuguese teacher (Lisbon) Teaching is constant learning. This is why, nearly 40 years after I started, I believe that most of who and what I am I owe it to my students. A big thank you to all.
  • Pedro Sousa

    Pedro Sousa

    Portuguese teacher (Faro)

    Pedro Sousa

    Portuguese teacher (Faro) Teaching means learning. Teaching at Cial means learning from the students’ very diverse cultural backgrounds and also sharing methodologies and ideas with other teachers.
  • Vera Carvalho

    Vera Carvalho

    Portuguese teacher (Lisbon)

    Vera Carvalho

    Portuguese teacher (Lisbon) I am Portuguese and Spanish, teacher, translator and interpreter, and very proud to be part of the excellent team of CIAL teachers since 1991.
  • Virgílio Santiago

    Virgílio Santiago

    Portuguese teacher (Lisbon)

    Virgílio Santiago

    Portuguese teacher (Lisbon) I feel we at Cial are involved in an ambitious and fascinating project, promoting the Portuguese language while interacting with students from all over the world.
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